100 Days of Code: 61-70

100 Days of Code: 61-70


There are some significant steps I took in these 10 days:

  • Finished reading Clojure for the Brave and True (been a while since I got to read a book from start to finish)

  • Switched to learning Go instead of Clojure

  • Ported my blog to Hugo (still at https://wipdev.netlify.app/)

I also published one post: Developer Philosophies

Day 61 / Sep 20

Day 62 / Sep 21

  • Spent most of my time setting up Ubuntu and Emacs for better Clojure development in the future

  • Did a new iteration for a previous problem I solved on Exercism after having a mentoring discussion

Day 63 / Sep 22

  • Fiddled with Emacs configuration for Clojure and got to set up CIDER which allows interactive development

  • Finished chapter 12 of the book which ended with some examples of commonly used Java classes and the entirety of chapter 13 which is about extending Clojure with abstraction - with that, I reached the end of the book!

Day 64 / Sep 23

  • Started writing an article draft

  • Added Paredit to my Emacs setup for structural editing

  • Tried to solve a problem on Exercism but failed to complete it

Day 65 / Sep 24

  • Wrote more in the draft

Day 66 / Sep 25

  • Configured Emacs to work with Clojure LSP and display the errors and warnings in the buffer while editing

  • Laid the foundation for a new backend project by copying some code I wrote before for experimentation

Day 67 / Sep 26

  • Started developing the project which is gonna be a simple API that does web scraping - I was able to pull a page and retrieve elements with CSS-style selectors

Day 68 / Sep 27

  • Completely unrelated to my drawn path, I started looking into Go for some reason. I found a condensed 1-hour video to get me started

Day 69 / Sep 28

  • I finished around 80-90% of the introductory Go video tutorial.

  • Started a Hugo project to port my blog to a proper SSG. I copied the CSS and Markdown content and started adding some metadata.

  • Started writing an article draft.

Day 70 / Sep 29