Nothing super glamorous in these 10 days. Only some grinding, more practice with Clojure, and 3 blog posts:
Day 31 / Aug 21
Solved an Exercism problem. It was relatively challenging since it was my first interaction with BigInts in Clojure (or Java in this case). I also laid out some drafts for future writing.
Day 32 / Aug 22
Solved two exercises and started chapter 9 of the book. Also wrote an article: Testing a JavaScript "Random Sampler"
Day 33 / Aug 23
Started writing an article draft about TypeScript.
Day 34 / Aug 24
That was a rather productive day. I read a bit in chapter 9 of the book, solved two Exercism problems, wrote in an article draft, and stumbled upon 4clojure which contains a set of exercises that are a bit shorter and simpler than Exercism - more practice!
Day 35 / Aug 25
Published TypeScript: a Beginner's Perspective and solved some problems in Exercism and 4clojure.
Day 36 / Aug 26
Finished chapter 9 in the book and solved some problems. Thinking of starting another project in Clojure.
Day 37 / Aug 27
Read a bit in chapter 10. Things are getting a bit interesting, since now I'm in the part of the book that talks about things that are new to me. I also did some exercises at 4clojure.
Day 38 / Aug 28
Started writing a new blog article. This is the first time I have created a cover for an article instead of getting one online. I also solved some problems.
Day 39 / Aug 29
This day was completely focused on solving problems. I did more than I usually do, but nothing else.
Day 40 / Aug 30
Completed and published Jack of All Trades.