100 Days of Code: 90-100 (+ Reflection)

100 Days of Code: 90-100 (+ Reflection)

Reflection on the Whole Journey

What started with messing around with Clojure and blogging on Hashnode for fun ended up with me making my first contributions to open-source, starting to build real projects, and aspiring to be a back-end developer using Go. That was both interesting and fun.

While I didn't end the challenge with a complete achievement like a finished project or something, I am proud the most of getting a lot of clarity out of this journey. I have been an aimless hobbyist for so many years, and I'm grateful for all the skills I built over that time, but I always had the feeling that I could do more with these skills but never acted on that feeling. Now, I have a language that I am happy with and ready to learn at a deeper level, and I have a goal to aim for!

So, I think that these 100 days were a success in terms of setting the stage for what I'll be doing from now on to prepare myself for a back-end job. Looking forward to the future!

Day 91 / Oct 20

Day 92 / Oct 21

  • Did some work on my Go CLI project

Day 93 / Oct 22

  • Redid some data structures exercises in Boot.dev

  • Did a little Go tutorial on developing a REST API with Gin

Day 94 / Oct 23

  • More Boot.dev data structures

Day 95 / Oct 24

  • Also more Boot.dev data structures

Day 96 / Oct 25

  • Did a Go tutorial on type parameters and type constraints... interesting stuff!

  • Some work on my Go CLI

  • Some blog writing

Day 97 / Oct 26

  • Solved my first LeetCode problem

  • Some work in the guided JS project in Boot.dev, plus some data structures

  • Added some documentation to my Go CLI project in the README

Day 98 / Oct 27

  • Pushed a branch on my fork of the learnbuildteach.com source code to confirm some things before proceeding

  • Completed a step in the guided JS project in Boot.dev

  • Wrote another solution to yesterday's LeetCode problem to make it more efficient, and solved a new one

Day 99 / Oct 28

  • Started adding some tests to my Go project

  • Did a little work on the LBT website

  • Published Typing and Tooling

Day 100 / Oct 29

  • Started reading "Effective Go" which is an official document about the unique and idiomatic features of Go code

  • Did a tutorial for a full-stack app with Go and HTMX (that's the first time I write some HTMX!)

Cover image source: https://dwglogo.com/go/